Javelin FSD 

Fitness, First Aid & Safety Development


Javelin FSD’s (JFSD) business model is directly connected with health and safety. My chief aim is to teach individuals to be more fit and healthy so that they can improve their quality of life in overall health and achieve their fitness goals, personal safety awareness, self-defense, and First Aid and CPR. JFSD will cater to individuals, groups, and businesses. Please contact me for class offerings or, if you are a business, contact me for pricing and group discounts. I work on-site - at your place of business or any pre-arranged locations.

Sonja O’Connell, Owner, Javelin FSD


NASM certified personal trainer

American Red Cross certified First Aid, CPR, and AED instructor, Wilderness & Remote First Aid Instructor, Life-threatening bleeding & tourniquet application Instructor

Self-Defense Instructor - studied principles in Wing-Chun, JKD, Kali, & Tibetan Lama Kung-fu.